This particular document describes in detail how personal data is stored and processed in the system and for what purposes. Participants will learn about the concept of Open Badges, how to start designing and implementing your organisation’s badge ecosystem and more. Le prestataire de services est en droit de bloquer l’accès au service s’il a un motif de penser que l’utilisateur se livre à une activité illégale ou porte atteinte à la sécurité des données ou à la vie privée d’autres utilisateurs ou du prestataire de services ou si le prestataire de services est avisé que le mot de passe de l’utilisateur a été découvert par un tiers. If requested, the Service Provider shall inform the Customer beforehand of subcontractors the Service Provider intends to use in processing the personal data pursuant to the Agreement. Issue Open Badges created in Open Badge Factory from Moodle, and display badges issued to users. We estimate regularly the need for data storage taking into account the applicable legislation. the delivery and development of our Open Badge Factory Service (“Service”). Join our free OBF Academy webinar on Monday, Sep. 25th, as Atish Gonsalves, Global Learning & Innovation Director, from Humanitarian Leadership Academy and Don Presant, President & Executive Producer, from Learning Agents will tell about the Humanitarian Passport Initiative and how digital Open Badges are being used across the humanitarian sector. The Service Provider shall have the right to terminate or suspend the Service immediately, if the User has failed to make a payment for the successive term or if the User violates these Terms of Use. We’re sorry for any inconvenience! Webinars are on Sept. 16-18 in English, French and Finnish. FORMATION. +358 40 5057655 With Open Badge Factory you can avoid the fragmentation of your badges in several systems. The webinar is on Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 at 14:00 GMT. Open Badge Factory Créer un badge. Open Badge Factoryssa on pian mahdollista myöntää Open Badge -osaamismerkki kahdessa eri muodossa: tavallisena Open Badge -merkkinä ja digitaalisella allekirjoituksella varmennettuna PDF-merkkinä. pyyntöihin vastaamisesta. You can find badges in OBP’s … Au cours de ce webinaire Eric Rousselle présentera le contenu des dernières mises à jour d’OBF ainsi que l’appli et de la fonctionnalité Espace d’Open Badge Passport. En tant que responsable du traitement, le client a la responsabilité de disposer des droits et consentements nécessaires pour traiter des données à caractère personnel conformément au contrat. Les fonctionnalités présentées seront: Naviguer dans Open Badge Factory; Créer et émettre un badge; Les badges clés et les demandes de badges; Administrer son compte et ses utilisateurs Le prestataire de services essaie de faire en sorte que la suspension soit aussi brève que possible. The Service Provider is never liable for any indirect or unforeseeable damages caused to the User at any given circumstances. Le service fourni par le prestataire de services consiste en une plate-forme basée sur le cloud pour créer, délivrer et gérer des badges ouverts. Endorsement works so that an organisation asks other organisations to endorse them or their badges. Open Badge Factory is an Open Badge management system that provides a centralised and simplified quality framework for Open Badges. Or are your badge earners under the age of 13 when the general Open Badge Passport isn’t suitable for them and it would be important to get a closed Passport so badges can’t be published to the internet. They are available for use even if you decide to stop using Open Badge Factory. Le paiement s’effectue par l’un des modes de paiement disponibles, à la date d’achat du service ou lors de la mise à niveau vers un niveau de service supérieur. You can ask questions, give comments and hear what’s new in Open Badge Factory and Open Badge Passport. In addition to the basic course for beginners, we are introducing a new course for more advanced users. If the Service Provider receives a notice claiming that the User has submitted afore described material, The Service Provider is entitled to remove such material, the User or User organisation’s environment or prevent their use without notice. We offer 5 service levels; Free, Basic, Premium, Pro and Enterprise. The Service Provider shall notify the Customer if any conflict with the data protection legislation of EU or Finland is detected in the guidelines and in this case, the Service Provider may immediately decline and stop the application of the guidelines of the Customer. Because the system is based on an open standard, the earner can combine multiple badges from different issuers to tell a more complete story of his or her achievements and interests. only those of our employees, who on behalf of their work are entitled to process customer data. S’il y a plus de 2 badges dans l’environnement, l’utilisateur doit sélectionner les badges qu’il veut conserver et supprimer les autres badges en cas de retour au niveau de service gratuit. Le prestataire de services n’est pas responsable des éventuelles infractions commises par les utilisateurs. Tässä Liitteessä tarkoitetaan EU:n tietosuoja-asetuksen mukaisesti. Les types de données à caractère personnel et les groupes de personnes concernées traités dans le cadre des services ont été définis dans le contrat. Les parties s’engagent à respecter les lois, règlements et instructions et directives des autorités en vigueur en matière de traitement de données à caractère personnel et, si nécessaire, à modifier les dispositions de la présente annexe afin de s’y conformer., German language translations of Open Badge Factory are provided by Institut für Wissensmedien Koblenz-Landau (IWM), + unlimited accounts, reports, templates, community support. If Service is not available for Use for more than two (2) consecutive days, subscription fee or any part of it shall not be refunded but equivalent amount of days will be added to User’s subscription time as compensation. Toimittaja dokumentoi ja raportoi selvityksen tulokset ja suoritetut toimenpiteet Asiakkaalle. We apologise for any inconvenience this maintenance break may cause. We are coming to the United States for the very first time this summer! Si vous avez des questions concernant les présentes conditions d’utilisation, veuillez contacter le prestataire de services. Organisations can advertise their badges in two ways: 1) Advertising the badge in Open Badge Passport, 2) Advertising badge applications in Open Badge Passport. Toimittaja käsittelee Asiakkaan henkilötietoja Asiakkaan lukuun ja tämän toimeksiannosta Sopimuksen perusteella. For many receiving a badge into the Mozilla Backpack is too challenging. En cas de contradiction entre les dispositions relatives au traitement des données à caractère personnel de l’annexe et celles du contrat, les parties appliquent en priorité les conditions de la présente annexe. The “controller” and “processor” need to agree on the terms concerning the processing of personal data to make sure that personal data is processed in compliance with GDPR. analyser et profiler le comportement des personnes concernées. Innova 2 The Customer or an auditor authorized by the Customer (however, not a competitor of the Service Provider) is entitled to audit the activities pursuant to the Annex. A l’heure actuelle, seuls Open Badge Factory (plateforme dédiée aux Open Badges + plugin pour WordPress), Badge Factor (plugin pour WordPress) et Badgecraft proposent une interface en français. Open Badges can be issued, earned, and managed by using a certified Open Badges … Open Badge Factory is a versatile and collaborative platform that schools, universities, associations and companies around the world use to create, issue and manage their Open Badges. The Annex shall remain in force (i) as long as the Agreement is in force or (ii) the parties have obligations concerning personal data processing activities towards one another. Read more about the new features here. Both courses are in Finnish. At the Free level you can access OBF’s basic features and plugins, but you can only create two badges. The CEO of the new company is Eric Rousselle, who has managed the OBF/OBP team from the very beginning. The User is solely responsible for actions taken by using its User account until it has informed the Service Provider of the loss of the password and the Service Provider has had a reasonable time to prevent the use of the Service with the User ID. Jos osapuolet eivät pääse yksimielisyyteen uuden alihankkijan käyttämisestä, Asiakkaalla on oikeus irtisanoa Sopimus kolmenkymmenen (30) päivän irtisanomisajalla siltä osin, kun alihankkijan muutos vaikuttaa Sopimuksen mukaiseen henkilötietojen käsittelyyn. Welcome to our new Open Badge Factory website. Toimittaja varmistaa, että henkilötietojen käsittelyyn osallistuva Toimittajan tai Toimittajan käyttämän alihankkijan henkilöstö noudattaa asianmukaista salassapitovelvollisuutta. Are you interested in open badges & product development? If you answered Yes to one or more of these questions, your organisation’s own dedicated Open Badge Passport is the right solution. Also, badges are better available for users and interesting new paths will open for them. Examiner les demandes un badge Open Badge Factory 28. L’utilisateur ne peut pas céder ou transférer ses identifiants à un tiers et ne peut pas permettre à un tiers d’utiliser le service avec ses identifiants. Open Badge Factory is an Open Badge management system. Anyone from users to developers are welcome to take part! Innova 2 Toimittajalla on oikeus kerätä Sopimuksen mukaisten palvelujen käytöstä anonyymiä ja tilastollista tietoa, joka ei yksilöi Asiakasta eikä rekisteröityjä ja käyttää sitä palvelujensa analysointiin ja kehittämiseen. For example, User can purchase a one-year subscription for Basic Service level and upgrade the Service level to Premium few months later if needed. Le service est fourni « en l’état », sans garantie d’aucune sorte. The parties undertake to abide by the current and in force legislation, decrees and authority orders and guidelines concerning personal data processing, and if necessary, to amend the terms of this annex to conform to them. Beginning with Open Badges 2.0, the candidate platform must be able to import all formats of Open Badges as well as prove that badge metadata is not lost upon export of the badge. We are confident that GDPR will be beneficial for both users and service providers. LTI enables CanCred Factory plugins to LTI-compliant platforms such as D2L Brightspace, Blackboard and Canvas. Dedicated instance of Open Badge Passport that is installed to the customer’s server. Both OBF customers and non-customers are welcome to join! Welcome! Auditointi tulee suorittaa tavalla, joka ei haittaa Toimittajan ja sen alihankkijoiden sitoumuksia kolmansiin osapuoliin nähden. The list of tools is a long one, but here are some examples: badge pathways with milestone badges, badge applications, multilingual badges, a comprehensive reporting system, tools for managing badge expiry and a set of roles for managing badge design and issue as a collaborative workflow. Especially companies specialising in in-service training can make things learned at courses more visible. Go ahead and advertise your first badges already today! Open Badge Factory is what your organisation needs if you are planning on designing and managing a meaningful, consistent and sustainable badge system that will build your reputation over time! Check out the training session details here and register now! 0. Le terme d’utilisateur correspond à deux niveaux d’utilisateur : 1) l’organisation du client qui a un environnement dans le service et 2) les utilisateurs administrateurs de l’environnement. Join our free OBF Academy webinar on Tuesday, Feb. 26th at 2pm GMT! Please note that the courses are in Finnish. It is even possible to create portfolio pages with the service. Dans ce cas, tout le contenu est supprimé une fois pour toutes, mais les badges émis avant la suppression de l’environnement sont hébergés gratuitement tant que le service est fourni. You can catch us first in Aurora, Colorado at the 2016 Digital Badge Summit on Friday June 24. Sur demande du client, le prestataire de services lui fournit, dans les meilleurs délais, toute information utile concernant la violation de données. The network also has a big role in forwarding as well as supporting cooperation between different sectors. Pro level serves any organisation that has a bit more comprehensive needs regarding the management and issuing of badges. 3.1 Obligations du prestataire de services et du client. Contact information: (helpdesk and queries) Les badges qui ont été supprimés ne peuvent pas être restaurés, même si l’utilisateur revient par la suite à un niveau de service supérieur. Le prestataire de services se réserve tous les droits d’apporter des changements aux conditions d’utilisation et fonctionnalités du service. FORMATION. Enterprise is a stellar solution for serious badging and it serves especially big businesses, universities and associations that have multiple sub-organisations and different user groups to manage. Nous avons sous-traité la gestion informatique à un prestataire de services externe et les données sont conservées sur son serveur. Open Badge Factory and Open Badge Passport services will be under maintenance on October 31 from 7:00 am GMT to 2:00 pm GMT (9:00 EET - 16.00 EET). It’s a cloud-based platform that provides the tools your organisation needs to implement and manage a meaningful, consistent and sustainable badge system that will build your reputation over time. Great chance to hear and learn about Open Badges and how they are being used by different organisations. This document will be displayed to the customers’ OBF administrators when logging in the service (May 25, 2018). Join our free Open Badge Factory Academy webinars to hear about the latest updates and new features, interesting use cases and get tips and ideas to develop your Open Badges strategy. Make sure you join our very first webinar dedicated to the Salava project on Tuesday March 1st at 14:00 GMT (9:00 am EST). Eric Rousselle, OBF’s CEO, will present our newest service level called Pro and all of it’s great features! Le service ne saurait être utilisé d’aucune autre manière qu’à l’aide des interfaces spécifiées et dans le respect des instructions données et des présentes conditions d’utilisation communiquées par le prestataire de services. We will hear how open badges are used for teacher training and further education for professional teachers at Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK). You will also get detailed reports on how your badges have been for example received among other criteria. (b) si possible, les groupes de personnes concernées et leur nombre, ainsi que les ensembles de types de données à caractère personnel et leurs nombres estimés, Toimittaja on velvollinen avustamaan Asiakasta ainoastaan sovellettavan tietosuojalainsäädännön henkilötiedon käsittelijälle asettamien velvoitteiden mukaisessa laajuudessa. Open Badges are digital credentials, created and issued by organisations such as schools, vocational organisations, companies and employers for their students, members, staff, clients or partners. Passport’s layout will be branded according to the organisation’s needs and badges issued there can be partly public (can be shared online) and partly closed or they can be completely closed. Personal data request. Branding available for email messages, criteria pages, badge applications etc. Open Badge Passport is a free, easy to use, multilingual service, where users can receive and store their Open Badges safely and share them with whomever they like and wherever they like. The subject, character and purpose of processing is defined in more detail in the Agreement. The Service Provider aims to ensure that the suspension is as short as possible. Asiakkaalla on perustellusta syystä oikeus vastustaa uuden alihankkijan käyttöä. The types of personal data and sets of data subjects processed in the services have been defined in the Agreement. työntekijöihin tai asiakkaisiin. The Service Provider is committed to repairing possible software faults affecting the quality of the Service according to the valid product development plan. Open Badge Factory va publier fin août un complément important à ses fonctionnalités d’endossement qui est l’endossement de badges et d’organisations émettrices de badges par “des organisations externes” (organisations n’ayant pas de compte OBF). OBF Academy webinar - New framework alignment hub for your badges, OBF Academy webinar - Selfie badges in skills recognition, Open Badge Passport mobile app available for IOS and Android. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. L’utilisateur peut acheter les niveaux de service souhaités pendant ou après une période d’essai gratuite de 60 jours. En outre, des utilisateurs finals peuvent être créés dans le service par l’utilisateur administrateur. 1 talking about this. The server is protected and managed by the external service provider. This cool new feature makes it possible for OBF user organisations to endorse badges created by other OBF organisations as well as endorse single organisations. Each user has a personal username and password to the system. As the concept of Open Badges is spreading across the world, the standard has also been updated to version 2.0. Open Badge Factory Oy Read more here. Open Badge Factory is an Open Badge management system. If a third party has obtained User´s password or the User has a reason to believe that a third party has obtained its password, the User must immediately inform the Service Provider. your staff visible in a modern way. Le prestataire de services est tenu, en tenant compte de la nature du traitement des données à caractère personnel et des données disponibles, d’aider le client à s’assurer qu’il respecte ses obligations légales. Open Badge Factory Créer un badge. “personal data” shall mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, hereafter ”data subject”; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. Welcome to OBF Academy webinar on Monday December 16th at 15.00 CET. The Customer is entitled and obligated to define the purpose and methods of personal data processing. Toimittaja vastaa alihankkijoiden toimista kuin omistaan ja laatii alihankkijoiden kanssa vastaavat kirjalliset sopimukset henkilötietojen käsittelystä. We also offer an LTI service. Please note that the course is in Finnish. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating, issuing and managing Open Badges. See our API documentation. Due to a scheduled maintenance break, Open Badge Factory and Open Badge Passport will be unavailable on December 17th, 2019 from 9.00 EET (7.00 GMT) to 17.00 EET (15.00 GMT). ou par un contenu incorrect figurant dans le service. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. En outre, le prestataire de services décline toute responsabilité pour les dommages directs ou indirects occasionnés à l’utilisateur par les programmes malveillants (virus, vers, etc.) La dernière version en vigueur des conditions d’utilisation peut être consultée en visitant le site Web du service. Open Badge Factory is a versatile platform for organisations wanting to create, issue and manage Open Badges. We recommend that you review these privacy protection principles from time to time to ensure you are aware of any amendments made. In this case, all content is deleted once and for all, but the badges issued before the deletion of the environment will be hosted for free as long as the service is provided. Le prestataire de services peut faire appel à des sous-traitants pour traiter les données à caractère personnel du client. Discendum is going to exhibit at the Esimies ja Henkilöstö 2018 fair for the first time on Sep. 4-5th. Suojatoimenpiteiden järjestämisessä otetaan huomioon saatavilla olevat tekniset vaihtoehdot ja niiden kustannukset suhteessa käsillä olevaan tietojenkäsittelyyn liittyviin erityisiin riskeihin sekä käsiteltävien henkilötietojen arkaluonteisuuteen. These Terms of use and the contractual relation related thereto shall be governed by the Laws of Finland. If requested by the Customer, the Service Provider shall, without undue delay give the Customer all relevant information concerning the data breach. You will also be able to delete your environment and deactivate your account with Open Badge Factory. La conversion en un niveau de service inférieur est uniquement possible après l’expiration de la période d’abonnement en cours. For students, Open Badges have been used mainly as a supplement to the existing credential structure to recognise student achievements in a more nuanced way and to signal finer-grained skills. Accepted payment methods are specified in the Service web site. Le prestataire de services a le droit de mettre fin au service à son entière discrétion. Open Badge Factory. Does your organisation operate in a sector where issued badges will at least partly be closed so that they can’t be shared outside to social media platforms? Plus d’informations. Commentary on Open Badge Factory by Stephen Downes. Eric Rousselle gives an introduction to the new features of Open Badge Factory and Open Badge Passport such as OBP’s new mobile app and environments. Suitable for any organisation, big or small, Open Badge Factory is a user-friendly and cost-efficient service to start issuing Open Badges and building sustainable Open Badge ecosystems. Open Badge Factory va publier fin août un complément important à ses fonctionnalités d’endossement qui est l’endossement de badges et d’organisations émettrices de badges par “des organisations externes” (organisations n’ayant pas de compte OBF). Recognising the skills and achievements of association members and volunteers has always been challenging because until now validation of learning has been the monopoly of the formal education sector. Ce webinaire aura lieu le mardi 31 mars à 15:00 heures CEST. Le service comporte différents niveaux de service. We are looking for partners who can support OBF customers at a local or national level. Les prix des niveaux de service en vigueur à une date quelconque sont indiqués sur le site Web du service. employees or customers. Some of Open Badge Factory’s customers have started to align their badges with ESCO. Fièrement propulsé par WordPress | Thème : Futurio. + Advanced management, reports and branding. The goal was to use badges to structure assessment and provide recognition to students for 21st century skills. Leadership and personnel are at the centerpoint of the exhibition and the event has established its place among Finnish business leaders and personnel management professionals. One sub-organisation costs 200€ + VAT. Le prestataire de services détient tous les droits, titres et intérêts sur le service, ainsi que sur tout le matériel fourni à travers le service, notamment tous les droits d’auteur, brevets, marques, droits des dessins et modèles, secrets de fabrication et tous les autres droits de propriété intellectuelle (ci-après dénommés « les droits de propriété intellectuelle »). The Open Badge Factory is a cloud platform that Discendum develops in collaboration with its user community’s members and Open Badge Factory project's partners.The purpose of this discussion group is to: The CEO of Discendum and the leader of our Open Badges team, Eric Rousselle, will take an active part in the conference. Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) intervient comme opérateur du service de traitement des paiements et comme prestataire de services de paiement. The webinar is on Tuesday, May 26th at 9:00 am MDT (11:00 am EDT, 4:00 pm BST, 17:00 CEST, and 18:00 EEST). Open Badge Factory is an Open Badge management system that provides a centralised and simplified quality framework for Open Badges.