Please note that exchange students can take courses on the Lille campus only. This Info Sheet does not intend to interpret information provided by the French authorities, nor does it seek to advise readers. Sophie, student at FLSH and Barbau, exchange students at IBU English Language and Literature department, shared their experience. independent on-line work with teacher supervision and guidance, • Law, Economics, Business & Management Cliquez sur "Connexion", en haut à droite. Offices can stay open if necessary but must continue to apply the guidelines applicable to the specific work environment. Anyone who has been in contact with someone who has tested positive must follow a specific protocol (Steps to Take to be Tested:). Université Lille Nord de France is a former group of several universities located near the city of Lille. that cannot be delivered virtually are authorized to continue in-person instruction (at 50% the total occupancy of the classroom space). Plan d'accès à la Faculté de Médecine Stationnement : le parking de la faculté de médecine n'est pas accessible aux étudiants de la PACES, vous privilégierez un déplacement en transports en commun. More than 6,681 international students on our campus in 2019-20 ! Université du Droit et de la Santé Lille 2 CONVENIO MARCO DE COLABORACIÓN: Tiene como objetivo prestar en forma recíproca asesoría y apoyo científico y cultural mediante el intercambio de personal docente y de estudiantes, conforme a … The current situation allows and requires the following: Details concerning mobility in and out of France can be found at this French government site: International Mobility Information as well as on the European Union website: The website covers all regions of France, and in addition to mental health support also serves as a resource for information about financial support, student housing, and health care. • Health & Social Care Les étudiants qui ont été inscrits dans une autre université et souhaitent poursuivre des études à Lille 3 ou qui, après des études à Lille 3, souhaitent intégrer un nouvel établissement, doivent solliciter le transfert de leur dossier universitaire. - Offering students a true life experience Université de Lille Sciences Humaines et Sociales. 2.9K likes. Covid-19 Measures Employers Must Take. Aller sur Infotuto . Students residing in France during confinement must adhere to French regulations concerning mobility. • Science & Technologies Only those jogging/running or riding a mechanical bicycle are exempt from wearing masks. Université de Bordeaux, Collège Sciences & Technologies Université de Bourgogne Universite de Cergy-Pontoise Universite de Franche-Comte ... Université Lille 2 Droit et Santé, Service des Relations Internationales, 42, Rue Paul Duez, 59000 Lille Projects Erasmus + Moodle étant une application de l'ENT ... Retrouvez les tutoriels et ressources pour les services numériques de l'Université. Méfiez-vous de tous les programmes et pages web qui vous demandent de vous authentifier. Internships: Students currently enrolled in for-credit internships can continue their work remotely or in-person depending on the host company/organization’s protocol. The engagement of universities in the society during/after the Coronavirus Crisis: discover the initiatives of 4 European higher education actors including Université Catholique de Lille and her partner, Tbilisi State University, in Georgia”. Université de Lille Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Welcome to STRAINS. Accès: Métro ligne 1, station "Pont de bois" *Pauses pégagogiques (ouverture du lundi au vendredi de 9 h à 18 h): - du 26 octobre au 1er novembre … These courses will be more traditional in the sense that there are scheduled video class times, homework assignments, and transferable ECTS credits. • Arts, Humanities, Theology, Ethics & Education We encourage readers to access the links to the original sources provided in each category of information in this report. International Students: International students continue to be welcomed into France. Moodle étant une application de l'ENT (Environnement Numérique de Travail) , veuillez utiliser votre identité numérique ULille pour y accéder. QS WUR By Subject Ranking #201-250. Sur l'ENT de l’Université de Lille, veuillez accéder à l’application Partir à l’étranger: Puis complétez l'étape 1 - demande de mobilité internationale en fonction de la procédure de candidature et des délais impartis de votre faculté/école/institut. Anyone who is established as a contact case should opt for a PCR test rather than an Antigen test. However, the educational process is continuing in the form of distance learning courses, self-study, video lectures and/or other methods. This video was realized by the office of International Relations & Communication and the students association (Fédé). Only the PCR test should be used to test “contact cases”. (Fines for not complying with confinement). Details can be found and downloaded here for anyone in these groups: Steps to Take to be Tested. Local travel restrictions under confinement Procédure de réinscription sur votre ENT Université de Lille. From its very beginnings, what is now France’s largest private, not-for-profit university has distinguished itself within the fields of higher education, research, and health, through its commitment to mutual care as a central value. En el 1562, por orden de Felipe II de España se crea la universidad de Douai (campus Artois - Université Lille Nord de France). ( How to Wear a Mask). These tests are administered mostly in labs and sometimes might require a prescription. The institution both supports and is supported by the local region and community, and is open to diversity, and to the world. Since the beginning of the 2020 school year, a very strict protocol has been put in place, respecting all recommended sanitary measures in accordance with the French government. Université de Lille - Droit & Santé Pour des raisons de sécurité, fermez votre navigateur web après avoir accédé aux services protégés. Ce service pour permet de faire une demande de transfert de dossier vers une autre université française et d’en effectuer le suivi. ... La campagne de candidature 2021-2022 ouvrira progressivement à partir du 18 janvier 2021 et selon le calendrier des formations. The campus will be open to students in late August. Precise procedures have been put in place for different case scenarios. Information sur le site web de la Faculté de Médecine. It includes a European Doctoral College and federates universities, engineering schools and research centers. As part of a series of seminars related to Social Pediatrics, the CEM and the FMM offer you a sharing of knowledge around the themes of "Childhood, Migration and Precarity". “Students traveling to France for programs of study of under 90 days (who may not have a visa) will need to travel with a proof of housing in France for the entirety of their program period. L'application "Consulter mon dossier, mes notes" de l'ENT vous permet de : France’s vaccination strategy has been established by the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé) who has published the Activer son compte ULille et réinitialiser son mot de passe : Son identité numérique : L'ENT ULille : Aix-Marseille Université - Service d'authentification. Elle accueille chaque année plus de 3 000 étudiant.e.s, qui sont encadré.e.s par 79 enseignant.e.s-chercheur.e.s et enseignant.e.s. L’université de Lille propose dans le cadre des semaines de l’orientation des rencontres parents. In addition to the mini-courses of our LILLE European Summer Program, our Faculty of Modern Languages (CLARIFE) is offering online French language courses this summer. - Working together: governance in unity See the full list of courses below for module descriptions. Merci de l'activer pour profiter pleinement de l'ENT (au sens de l'article 714-1 du code de l'éducation) Service commun de documentation Service universitaire d’activités physiques et sportives Service commun des affaires sociales Service universitaire de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santé Centre des langues de l'Université de Lille Institut Eric Weil Responsable administrative Département Learn more, A multidisciplinary institution unique in France. These guidelines include, among others: Employees are instructed to stay at home should they develop Coronavirus symptoms or if they have recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore activée ou si vous avez oublié votre identifiant ou mot de passe, rendez-vous sur la plateforme Sesame. De plus, votre navigateur doit indiquer que vous accédez à une page sécurisée. Candidater en ligne à une formation de l’Université de Lille ECANDIDAT vous accompagne de la création de votre dossier de candidature en ligne jusqu’à votre inscription dans l’établissement. Kursbereiche. Ce portail permet d’accéder à de nombreux services numériques et ressources de travail. Elle est la seule composante publique de l’académie de Lille. - Placing ‘care’ at the heart of the project. Votre navigateur ne supporte pas les cookies. Connexion Environnement Numérique de Travail (E.N.T) Scolarité, inscriptions, webmail, cours, intranet.. Accéder à l'E.N.T . L'ENT UBO. Ce portail permet d’accéder à de nombreux services numériques et ressources de travail. Also, as mentioned in the section on visas, only the PCR test is accepted for boarding to travel from the U.S. to France. de Tourcoing est un institut de l’Université de Lille qui comprend 3 départements : Carrières Sociales, Gestion Logistique et Transport et InfoCom, l'Université de Lille est composée de 7 U.F.R. I dentifiant. Informations. Présentation du département à venir... - Cliquez ici !! Université de Lille. (TOUS ANTI COVID Tracking App), It is required to wear a mask at all times when outside of one’s residence. Campus France USA is not responsible for verifying if students are eligible for this exemption, and is not responsible for any student who is not allowed entry into France for studies of under 90 days.“ (Campus France Student Visa FAQ). Obligatory temperature checks or PCR tests at the workplace are not authorized. L’UFR de psychologie est la seule composante de l’Université de Lille qui propose des formations en lien avec la psychologie et ses métiers. Mr. Scauflaire’s 5-year university mandate includes: - Consolidating the University’s position La direction de la scolarité met en œuvre pour le compte du Président de l’Université de Lille un traitement de données personnelles ayant pour objet : l’établissement et la délivrance de certificats numériques valant attestations de réussite aux diplômes et certificats émis par l’Université de Lille (ci-après, les « Certificats numériques ») ; Direction Culture, Université de Lille, Lille. This two-hour webinar will focus on the concepts and societal challenges of these current topics on January 26, 2021 from 2 to 4 pm. L'application "hyperplanning" donne accès au planning des cours de votre inscription principale. ( Information concerning different masks). GEII Tél. Munissez-vous de votre identifiant et de votre mot de passe ENT Université de Lille. Bienvenue dans l'application de transfert Départ de l'Université de Lille Vous êtiez inscrit en 2019 - 2020 (Connexion ENT) Vous n'étiez pas inscrit en 2019 - 2020 (Connexion INE) Since the French government has instructed all higher educational institutions to remain closed to students through the end of the 2109/20 academic year, including summer sessions, we have had to postpone the 2020 European Summer Program until next year. Repeat offenders can be fined up to 3,750 euros and could risk 6 months of prison, community service, drivers’ license suspension of up to 3 years maximum. Further information concerning the COVID crisis can be obtained by contacting the educational officials at (for Ile de France). Sports and exercise Sports and exercise are authorized, but according to the following requirements: The Ministry of Higher Education & Research has established a student mental health support website (with an English Language version) that compiles all the contacts and services related to mental health support for students during the COVID-19 crisis. Exams and entry exams: Upcoming exams can be maintained in an in-person setting with social distancing, though online alternatives and take-home assignments are encouraged. The program will also include some social & cultural activities, to familiarize students with France, Lille, and the Université Catholique de Lille itself. Catégories de cours. - 1st session: 8th June to 26th June 2020 Expand all. L'Environnement Numérique de Travail n'est accessible qu'avec javascript activé. They should also travel with documents that prove enrollment in a higher education program in France. Plateforme Moodle. (, A fine of 135 euros may be applied in the event of non-compliance with COVID protocols, including wearing masks and respecting confinement. L’I.U.T. A full listing can be found at but as of December 2, this list has not been updated to include lightened restrictions during Phase 1 of re-opening. Tél : 03 20 41 70 00. Problème de connexion : … In addition to consulting the general government websites that communicate all essential information concerning the virus, the confinement and the re-opening period, everyone is asked to download the app TousAntiCovid, which serves several functions: This app which uses Bluetooth technology for tracking and does not share personal identification information. - 2nd session: 29th June to 17th July 2020, Number of hours: 24 hours of videoconference classes + 12 hours (approx.) “Students in the universities and people in the companies are connected: in universities, students study on subjects linked to the society and in companies, people create knowledge. Studio courses & Labs: Courses in fields such as science (biology, chemistry, physics, etc. These courses are fee-paying and available for all levels of French skills. We will continue to invite the people from the society in the university and be open to the people but we have to be more creative, more innovative. France’s vaccination strategy follows 3 main principles: Order of priority for vaccination (as of January 7): (Vaccination calendar, Website dedicated to vaccinations in, Starting 18 January 2021 (reservations can be made starting 14 January by phone or internet). (Unité de Formation et de Recherche), de 2 instituts (dont l’IUT) et de 14 laboratoires de … Connexion Environnement Numérique de Travail (E.N.T) Scolarité, inscriptions, webmail, cours, intranet.. Accéder à l'E.N.T . Passer catégories de cours. Activer votre compte; Paramétrage de votre compte; Vous avez oublié votre identifiant; Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe The situation evolves quickly and continually, and as such, Université Catholique de Lille recommends that all readers verify the information provided below before making definitive decisions. Les anciens E.N.T sont accessibles : - aux étudiant-e-s … L'université de Valenciennes se transforme et devient l'Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France. kursbereiche überspringen. QS World University Ranking #751-800. Tout déplier. Aujourd'hui elle se classe parmi les meilleurs établissements d'enseignement supérieur français et européens. “We need to work and think differently: we have to use these online technologies for the students so we decided to change a lot of programs for students in the next academic year and we are trying to do the same for the companies. Libraries, computer labs and cafeterias: university libraries and computer labs can open, but cafeterias are only open for take away meals (no in-person dining). And for information specifically for France:, For current information, including health recommendations and measures, from the French government on the COVID-19 situation in France, see the following website: Main COVID-19 Government Website, Access to daily communiqués with daily statistics and key messages: Daily Communiqués by French Government, Official website dedicated to Student Life in the French universities:, Timeline of government actions French Government Actions, 6 ECTS Credits = 3 North American Credits. Use of the app for everyone, including COVID patients, is voluntary. 2021, Cet ENT est basé sur uPortal 4.3. distribué par ESUP-Portail et AngularJS Portal. Cet ENT est maintenu par la ComUE Normandie Université et a été développé par l'UNR-RUNN (Université Numérique en Région - Réseau Universitaire Numérique Normand) . Elle est la seule composante publique de l’académie de Lille. L’UFR de psychologie est la seule composante de l’Université de Lille qui propose des formations en lien avec la psychologie et ses métiers. Elle est une … In-person instruction at universities could resume in early February, if certain sanitary conditions are met. If a student exchange programme exists between your home university and Université Catholique de Lille, here is the application procedure:. Intranet / ENT FR EN; NL; FR; Menu Vie des campus Accueil; Vie des campus ; Bourses, aides financières et matérielles; Chercher; Je suis ... Centre des langues de l'Université de Lille Institut Eric Weil. Medical authorities will contact every person on that list and require testing (see above). Course categories. Collège doctoral de l'université Lille-Nord-de-France; Université de Lille; Faculté de médecine de Lille; Usage on Università di Lilla; Usage on Q3551621; Usage on 里尔大学 Classes and tutorials will continue to be held electronically until 3 February 2021. Gestion de votre compte. An Immunity Test (blood test) is also available in France to determine if the patient has developed immunity to COVID. L’académie de Lille est la structure administrative des services déconcentrés de l’Éducation nationale dans la région Nord-Pas de Calais. UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER Entrez votre identifiant et votre mot de passe. With more than one hundred thousand students, it is one of the largest university federations in … Administrative, Health & Social Services: university health & social services remain fully accessible (including mental health support services), with some non-essential administrative services accessible by appointment only. With this in mind, the LILLE Programs have developed several free educational modules for anyone interested in learning more about the history, culture, art, and innovation of Lille, France. ENT : Espace Numérique de Travail *hors étudiant et personnel UT2J. Méfiez-vous de tous les programmes et pages web qui vous demandent de vous authentifier. Chart; Data; QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It is ranked #751-800 in QS Global World University Rankings 2021. Mr. Scauflaire was formerly the Director of ICAM, one of the University’s engineering schools and has spent time in both the educational and engineering business world. Classes: The government has ordered all institutions to move all lectures and discussion sections to online learning platforms as of October 30th (cours magistraux and travaux dirigés). The government has asked that all employees work from home 100% if possible. Founded in 2018, Université de Lille (University of Lille) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the suburban setting of the small city of Lille (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Hauts-de-France. Faculté des sciences juridiques politiques et sociales, université de Lille, capacité en Droit, Licences, Masters, Doctorat, Préparation aux concours, Droit, AES, Science Politique, enseignement à distance, formations tout le long de la vie, … Campus France describes the conditions of the 7-day quarantine that an international student may be asked to do during their stay in France ( Campus France Recommendations including description of Quarantine) : Two kinds of diagnostic COVID tests (nasal) are currently available in France to test patients for COVID. Service Culture de l'Université de Lille Dates On y accède par le biais d’un identifiant de connexion et d’un mot de passe. More details about the organisation of classes (a mix of on-site and remote learning) will be circulated by the different member institutions. L'authentification centralisée NE FONCTIONNERA PAS. On 14 January 2021, the French Prime Minister announced that the curfew would be extended from 6pm - 6am throughout the entire country, for a minimum of 15 days starting 16 January. Intranet / ENT FR FR; Menu Innovation pédagogique coordonnées & contact . Activer votre compte; Paramétrage de votre compte; Vous avez oublié votre identifiant; Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe 1ère connexion | Problème de connexion. In an October 30th circular, Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education and Research , reiterates that French institutions of higher education are not “closed”; they are just switching from an in person and/or hybrid instructional model to 100% remote instruction for the duration of the physical lockdown. L’Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT) de l’Université de Lille est un portail virtuel privé réservé à tous les membres du campus. More information online: The government has forbidden all gatherings across the country and urges everyone to avoid all family and private gatherings in homes. Several official government websites give detail concerning academic and campus life during confinement. • Innovation & Desing Thinking Steps to take for testing 2.The Antigen Test to determine if the patient has COVID at the time of the test. Historia. The FAQ page on Campus France’s website states the following information for students travelling to France for short term programs (under 90 days). The Académie de Paris has indicated that we should declare confirmed cases by emailing the ARS at Les pages web de l'Université de Lille vous demandant votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe ont des URLs de la forme: (sécurisée) ou The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree STRAINS is a 2-year master programme of excellence in English for students wishing to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of solid mechanics for the modeling of materials and structures. Etudiants. Gestion de votre compte. These partnership agreements are jointly signed by all the faculties and schools of the Université Catholique de Lille.. Anciens E.N.T . They are normaly covered 100% by Social Security; otherwise out of pocket costs are approximately 20 euros per test. Any outing made during curfew hours has to fall into the below categories: For any justifiable outing during curfew, it is mandatory to have an authorization form found here: Theater, Museum Cinemas, will remain closed until January 20th at least. Avec plus de 12 000 étudiants, la Faculté de Médecine Henri Warembourg de Lille est le plus grand centre de formation et de recherche médicales de France, toutes disciplines confondues. Aller sur Infotuto . Université Catholique de Lille will update this compilation periodically, at least once a month, for the coming months. Innovation pédagogique ... Centre des langues de l'Université de Lille Institut Eric Weil. More information and log-in link: Aller sur Infotuto . Toute autre question relative à la connexion à l'ENT doit être adressée via … M ot de passe. France is accepting all international students at this time, for all students from all countries of origin, and for all types of programs including short and long term, study, internship, or research programs. IUT 'A' de Lille - Dept. Pour des raisons de sécurité, veuillez vous déconnecter et fermer votre navigateur lorsque vous avez fini d'accéder aux services authentifiés. Un local à vélo de 200 places situé à côté du pôle formation est accessible. This course aims to highlight the current global trends, opportunities, and challenges facing businesses today. UMR 8163 - LABORATOIRE, SAVOIRS, TEXTES LANGAGE Lorea Zubiaga, Université de Lille 2, Faculté de Médecine Department, Faculty Member. Below is a list of venues, services and businesses that must remain closed during Phase 1 of re-opening. En bref; Présentation; Nos atouts; Politique d'établissement; Actes règlementaires Skip course categories. • Political Science & International Relations, Communication - COVID19 - 11 January 2021, Université Catholique de Lille & Covid-19, Université Catholique de Lille elects new President Rector, Welcome to Universite Catholique de Lille, 3rd Mission of UCL during COVID-19 crisis, French as a foreign language - Online course, Search our Degree programs & ECTS courses, Erasmus & Exchange Programs - Academic Calendars, Live Tree, the energy & societal transition, Lycée Enseignement Supérieur Saint Jude - ESSJ Armentières, ESPOL European School of Political and Social Sciences, Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences Licences, Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences Masters, FLSH - Faculté des Lettres & Sciences Humaines, IFMK - Institut de Formation en Masso-Kinésithérapie, IFPP - Institut de Formation en Pédicurie-Podologie, Institut de Formation Pédagogique - Enseignement Catholique Nord-Pas-de-Calais, ISTC - Institut des Stratégies et Techniques de Communication, Junia ISEN - Institut Supérieur de l'Electronique et du Numérique, ISEA - Institut Supérieur d'Expertise et d'Audit, IU2S - Institut Universitaire Santé Social, Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Théologie, Ethique, DUFCL (Diplôme Universitaire des Facultés Catholiques de Lille). (Campus France Student Visa FAQ). Entrance of Lille III The Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III (French: Université Lille 3 Charles-de-Gaulle) was a French university. Info in English on how to stay healthy and safe at work can be found on the Ministry of Labor’s website. Connexion à Moodle. Dans cette situation inédite de confinement, les cours et examens ont maintenant lieu à distance. If you have difficulties like during this COVID-19 crisis, you are more creative.” Pour des raisons de sécurité, fermez votre navigateur web après avoir accédé aux services protégés. Global agreements. Méfiez-vous de tous les programmes et pages web qui vous demandent de vous authentifier. Anciens E.N.T . (, For information concerning every country in the European Union, and for details on all aspects of the Covid-19 crisis in Europe, see the following website: Identifiant: Mot de passe: Pour des raisons de sécurité, veuillez vous déconnecter et fermer votre navigateur lorsque vous avez fini d'accéder aux services authentifiés. All VFS Centers in the U.S. are open and accepting student visa appointments. On y accède par le biais d’un identifiant de connexion et d’un mot de passe. Université de Lille Sciences Humaines et Sociales. ( Utiliser Moodle en modle étudiant; Créer et organiser ses cours Moodle IUT A de Lille; Université Lille; ENT Université Lille; Licence Pro MTG; Licence Pro i-pack; Licence Pro RoboCoM; Formation TEMIR; Annuaire; IUT en Ligne; Bienvenue sur le site Intranet du département GEII de l'IUT 'A' - Université de Lille. The Community of Universities and Institutions Lille Nord de France is a French Groups of Universities and Institutions spread over multiple campuses and centered in Lille. Founded in 1875, the Université Catholique de Lille is a multidisciplinary institution unique in France. order of priority populations to be vaccinated. L'Université de Lille participe à de nombreux programmes : Erasmus+ (Europe), Erasmus+ Mobilité Internationale de Crédit (Hors Europe), Swiss European Mobility Programme, BCI (Québec), réseaux Utrecht et ISEP (Australie, Etats-Unis, Brésil), MAUI (Etats Unis), AEN (Australie). We want to work with people inside the universities and outside the universities in collective programs”. From its very beginnings, what is now France’s largest private, not-for-profit university has distinguished itself within the fields of higher education, research, and health, through its commitment to mutual care as a central value. Au carrefour de l'Europe, proche de Paris, Bruxelles et Londres, Lille est une ville jeune et dynamique avec près de 107 000 étudiantes et étudiants. (Campus France Stay Permit Renewal info). The French government has announced that international students currently in France can apply for and/or renew residency permits, online, thus avoiding the previously obligatory in person appointment at the prefecture. Residence Halls: University housing is open but students who can easily move home are encouraged to do so.