Based on three pillars – a state of the art curriculum taught by a first-class faculty, partnerships with leading companies, an international perspective – it represents a career booster. Politique de confiedentialité The best you can opt for is the apartment in the centre of town. Getting accommodation in Angers without the help of the school can be fraught with hassles, it's hard work if your French isn't good. L'ESSCA détient les trois plus prestigieuses accréditations internationales réservés aux meilleures écoles de management : AACSB, AMBA et EQUIS. MSc students benefit of a multicultural atmosphere of studies, emphasised by a permanent presence of 900 international students in the campuses, courses in several languages and an active student body in sports, arts, charities. The Msc in Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking is a joint programme co-created with Laval Design School, our Academic Partner since September 2013. Le premier cycle de trois ans permet à l’étudiant d’acquérir les fondamentaux de gestion. The development of new infrastructures has made their daily lives easier – a highly developed tramway network, free Wifi access in public spaces, the deployment of very high bandwidth land and cell lines, and the outfitting of new eco-neighborhoods near the center of the city. ESSCA Bordeaux. This joint program was co-created between two French schools with a foothold in Asia, ESSCA School of Management (Shanghai Campus) and EFAP School of Communication (Paris), academic partners since 2015. There is no on-campus accommodation at ESSCA. De plus, certaines majeures de 5e année sont enseignées sur le campus de Shanghai. Je suis étudiante en 2ème année à l'ESSCA Bordeaux. Less emphasis on group work, more emphasis on individual ability. Many of the lecturers are guest lecturers, or professionals from certain industries. Voir toutes les formations. « Au cours des dernières années, l’ESSCA est parvenue à obtenir 3 accréditations internationales prestigieuses tout en ouvrant 3 nouveaux campus. 4.19 / 5 sur 279 avis. Teachers are really good and there are about 200 foreigner students each year so it is easier to meet people from different countries. - Le Bachelor en Management Internationale est proposé sur les sites d'Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux, Budapest, Cholet, Lyon et Paris. -Le Programme Grande Ecole, bac+5 visé, grade de Master, est dispensé sur les campus de Paris, Angers, Aix-en-Provence Bordeaux et Lyon. Créée en 1909, l'ESSCA School of Management est une Grande École postbac. Founded in 1909 in Angers, France, ESSCA is a grande école specializing in business offering a post-graduate diploma in management accessible immediately after the baccalauréat or secondary school. Utile | 7. L'ESSCA Shanghai est une petite antenne dynamique de l'ESSCA School of Management.Avec quelques 2250 m2, 7 amphithéâtres, 3 salles de réunion, 14 salles de cours, une médiathèque et une cafétéria, l'ESSCA à Shanghai offre un large espace pour accueillir 500 étudiants par an. Implantée sur 6 campus en France et 2 à l’étranger, elle propose différents cursus pour des métiers en marketing, commerce, finance, RH, digital et conseil. L'ESSCA détient les trois plus prestigieuses accréditations internationales réservées aux meilleures écoles de management : AACSB, AMBA et EQUIS. The international student life revolves around the centre of town and, to a lesser extent, around ESSCA's campus which is 6km west of the town centre (in the peripheral suburbs of Angers). Langues étrangères. Companies are seeking out managers who can design and implement effective digital marketing strategies, integrating the analysis of massive data reported by connected objects or published each day on social networks. -Programme Grande Ecole : postbac, inscription sur Parcoursup concours Accès. Vie étudiante. L'ESSCA organise son premier TEDx ! » Dépt. Essca Bordeaux. The assessment was generally okay: the exams were mostly a fair test of ability. En 2020, 1100 places sont ouvertes en 1re année. Maybe the essence of a business school is supposed to be about "managing" and working as "a team player" blah blah, but those who expect to maintain a GPA (such as those in North America) here could be frustrated by the group projects. Entrepreneurial culture means giving you a real expertise in project engineering so that you can mobilize it in any kind of context: starting up a business but also business transmission and recovery, redeployment of traditional activities, business development, whether through a franchise network type, an SME in a national or international development, or a large group of managers who actively search intrapreneurs to get a boost after and reinvent their business model. Go to ESSCA if you are a business, commerce or economics student interested in European politics, and in furthering your interest in the French language (maybe even to begin learning it from scratch). Ecole de Gestion et de Commerce - Bordeaux. is 13 years 10 months 21 days old and has a PageRank of 6 and ranking #606592 in the world with 610 estimated daily visits and a Net worth of $6,126 .The most visitors from France,The server location is in France . Voir formations Écrire un avis ESSCA 4.19 /5. With the experience of ESSCA in teaching management and Asian business, and the established network and communication expertise of EFAP, participants will have the opportunity to master the creative and managerial skills to enter luxury companies with high levels of demand. They work quite hard so expect them to maybe take a little while to get back to you in some cases! - Bachelor Management International : Inscription sur Parcoursup puis concours (épreuve écrite TAGE POSTBAC et épreuve orale incluant une partie en anglais). The school offers several programmes, including a five-year course (known as the "Grande École" program) delivering a diploma approved by the French state and conferring the degree of master. iAgora regroupe des avis sur les universités et centres de formation pour diplômés internationaux, étudiants Erasmus et étudiants en échange. Offres en Marketing Elle s’appuie également sur un réseau de 279 universités partenaires prestigieuses dans 55 pays. Experts forecasts show that by 2025 the number of tourists will have doubled. ESSCA’s Master of Science in Luxury Services Management prepares students to hold positions in companies from the luxury sector in different fields of services, with a focus on hospitality, wine tourism and fashion. “This country is a genuine laboratory to understand the new generations of consumers which will soon arrive in the Western world,” comments Frédéric Raillard, Vice Chairman of our pedagogic board and co-founder of advertising agency Fred & Farid, one of the rare agencies to have successfully established in China. Ouvert aux élèves de terminale et aux bacheliers. Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles, elle recrute sur concours des élèves de terminale et des jeunes bacheliers. Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles, elle délivre un diplôme Bac + 5 visé, grade de Master et propose également un programme Bachelor, un Mastère Spécialisé et des Masters of Science. Find all the student accommodations near ESSCA Bordeaux - Bordeaux with immediate availability Toutes les entreprises Contact, Toutes les offres The accommodation through ESSCA was still going through teething issues in 2002, still learning how best to manage it. Présentez votre école. Masters of Science offered at ESSCA build on the expertise of its 130 permanent faculty members of 30 different nationalities and on the latest results of their research. Entrée possible en admission parallèle en 2e année (ouvert aux diplômés Bac+1) et en 3e année (ouvert aux diplomés Bac+2), -MSc et Mastère Spécialisé : Dossier et entretien. Études. J'ai aimé mais pas sûr que c'est pour tous. Classified a “City of Art and History”, famous worldwide for her wine, Bordeaux is also a key player in the future of technology and industries. Others found themselves on dark streets on the edge of the main part of town, or in dirty and/or poorly maintained buildings. Le Programme Master permet de se spécialiser en fonction de son projet professionnel. Première école de commerce française post-bac accréditée à l’international pour l’excellence de son programme, l’ESSCA délivre un diplôme Bac + 5 visé par le Ministre de l’Education nationale et revêtu du grade de Master. Fully taught in English, it aims at providing the knowledge and multicultural skills to enter the most prestigious luxury companies and brands in the world. In fact not one French authority ever examined the inside of my passport when entering/leaving France. Nonetheless, many times I appreciated the lighter workload given that I was in a new country, surrounded by the constant culture shock of French society. Suivant. Langues étrangères. 1 – 6 de 280. Ouvert sur les campus d’Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux, Budapest, Cholet, Lyon et Paris, ce bachelor valorise trois dimensions essentielles à la réussite des diplômés : l’ouverture internationale, la professionnalisation aux métiers de l’entreprise et aussi la culture générale et la formation humaine qui concourent au développement de leur potentiel. Découvrez tous les avis sur l'école ESSCA Bordeaux et faites votre choix parmi toutes les écoles de commerce à Bordeaux et en France. Sophia University is a really good one. The course structure therefore tends to be quite random, not the same week to week. Vous annoncer sur iAgora Il est visé par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pour l'ensemble de ses campus. SITES : Aix Angers Bordeaux Budapest Lyon Paris Shanghai Partenaires « Aix, Bordeaux, Lyon campuses and Partenaires programmes are not open to exchange students. ESSCA’s 17,200 m² building is located on th -Le Mastère Spécialisé Management Digital. Bordeaux is also home to more than 80,000 students in many universities or schools. Avec du recul, je conseillerais tout de même à un.e lycé d'effectuer une licence/ IUT avant d'intégrer une école "post-prépa" plus prestigieuse. Stages Just a cursory glance at the cover to check my nationality! Frais. ESSCA will help in cases of problems with the apartment (plumbing, heating, electrical, etc) but the response times could be slow (depending on what's wrong). Les programmes post-bac comprennent obligatoirement une expérience à l’étranger en 2e et en 3e année (en entreprise ou académique). Notre histoire China’s Silk road projects are opening a new golden era of globalization. There seemed to be a big emphasis on group project work and Powerpoint presentations for assessment: good in that it forced students of different backgrounds to interact and work together, but poor in that too often one or two students carried the group, making the group mark an fair assessment of some individuals. Anywhere within the centre of town is fine: this is an area bounded by the river, Bde Charles de Gaulle, Bde Foch and Bde Mitterand., THE site for student housing. 280 avis. En effet, la classe préparatoire n'est selon moi plus la voie royale pour intégrer une très bonne école (hors top 3). Again, from a 4th year student point of view, many courses were a revision of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year in Australia, surprisinigly not challenging me in the way I expected an elite French school of the calibre of ESSCA would. Taken in its broadest sense, design will allow you to think differently, through the acquisition of complementary skills, in a completely different environment. Some people were extremely lucky (those in the pedestrian zones of the centre of town). Voir 280 avis. Veuillez vérifier votre connexion réseau et réessayer. For the past 10 years, we have witnessed a significant growth in both the digital and tourism sectors. The local students have a hard time finding decent accomodation so, as an exchange student, it's best to let ESSCA help you. They had never before accepted so many international exchange students into ESSCA in one go. Voir toutes les formations. It is almost mandatory to live around the centre of town, or face isolation from the student life. Voir formations Écrire un avis. The type of apartment you get is pretty much down to luck. Avis de salariés chez ESSCA à propos de la culture d'entreprise, des salaires, des avantages, de l'équilibre vie professionnelle/vie personnelle, de l'encadrement, de la sécurité de l'emploi etc. The international office staff at ESSCA will be forever in your debt. FOR EUROPEAN COMPANIES MOVING INTO CHINAFOR CHINESE COMPANIES MOVING INTO EUROPE. Les majeures dispensées sur le campus de Bordeaux sont : • Luxury Services Management (en anglais), • Management de l'innovation et Fintech (en alternance). Vie étudiante. Études > France > Angers > ESSCA > Avis sur les cours . Avis sur les cours. And wish I'd not worried so much about French consular formalities; turned out that the French dept of immigration were very lax and not terribly worried about my immigrant status (my visa expired while they fluffed around processing my Carte de Sejour!). Études > France > Angers > ESSCA > Avis . If you can afford it then the apartment in town is a much better option than the student residences in rue Léon Pavot (even though they are much cheaper) since the residences are a fair walk away from the town centre and are not close enough to shops and nightlife, and also have too many rules and restrictions about what you can and can't do. Je recommande le programme PGE (parcours sur 5 ans) à toutes les personnes qui sont curieuses et qui aiment travailler en groupe. ESSCA School of Management is a large French business school. Historically based in Angers, it now has campuses in Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Lyon, Bordeaux, Cholet, Budapest and Shanghai. Bourses Leonardo Voir formations Écrire un avis. Blog d'iAgora 26. L'ESSCA, ce sont nos élèves qui en parlent le mieux. Courses such as Info Systems were let down by lack of resources and (in my opinion) a somewhat unusual teaching style from one teacher. Le Mastère Spécialisé Management Digital option Transformation digitale de l’entreprise forme des managers chefs d’orchestre travaillant en mode agile, qui sauront déployer une stratégie digitale au profit de leur marque (en B2C ou en B2B). Évaluation globale. You will be called upon to effectively exercise the functions of business developer. Possibly this was because the apartments were very different, and the different rents 'averaged' by ESSCA for ease of admin. campus internationaux, réputation auprès des entreprises, ancienneté, si vous voulez éviter la prépa, je conseille une licence/ IUT avant d'intégrer un établissement plus prestigieux. Aujourd’hui, la révolution digitale s’impose à toutes les entreprises. Residency status enabled me to get cheaper prices here and there; in hindsight I don't know if it justified the expense though (since I didn't stay longer than 6 months as it turned out). Cette réussite est révélatrice de son esprit entrepreneurial et de sa capacité d’adaptation. Classements internationaux et admissions en licence, master, doctorat, MSc, MBA et cours d'été à ESSCA et à d'autres établissements. 65 entreprises sont présentes sur le forum-stages de l'ESSCA pour faire découvrir leur Marque Employeur et rencontrer les étudiants de 1ère et 2ème année du Programme Grande École (post-bac) de nos 5 campus : Angers, Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux… Voir 279 avis. Located in the south west of France, Bordeaux has been named “best place to visit” in 2017 by the Lonely Planet. Le taux de poursuite d’études reste néanmoins élevé (77%). Voir formations Écrire un avis ESSCA 4.19 /5. Logement. ESSEC Business School educates business leaders on all levels - undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral, as well as providing executive education programs. Wish I'd known that accommodation was so randomly assigned. It is part of the Grand Paris Communauté Seine Ouest, which employs 100,000 individuals and is home to many corporate head offices. 200 places en 4e année, ouvert aux étudiants, issus de toutes filières, titulaires d’un diplômes Bac+3/4 ou ayant obtenu 180 crédits ECTS. ESSCA is the first “Grande Ecole” to move to Boulogne A city in the Hauts-de-Seine “department” considered a major economic centre in the Paris region. The cost of 305 euros (plus 45 for utilities) seemed okay value for some apartments, but poor value for others. Il se déploie selon trois grands axes : la maîtrise des fondamentaux du management, l'internationalisation du profil de l'étudiant et de la professionnalisation.En troisième année, 5 spécialisations sont proposées. En effet la plupart des travaux sont à réaliser en groupes. Frais. Entrée possible en admissions parallèles en 3e et 4e années : concours ESSCA. With one semester in Quebec and one in Paris, you will get double cultures and competencies. 26. Based in Paris and Shanghai, this unique program opens new horizons to future generations that will need to work increasingly between several continents, EU, Asia, the Americas, and target Asian customers at home and traveling abroad. Conseils pour CVs Études. Découvrez l'école de l'intérieur ! Implantée sur 6 campus en France et 2 à l’étranger, elle propose différents cursus pour des métiers en marketing, commerce, finance, RH, digital et conseil. The 2006-2010 period was marked by the opening of the Shanghai site (2007), the extension of the original site in Angers (2009) and the relocation of the Paris site to Boulogne-Billancourt (2010), in order to accommodate larger numbers. Essca school of management shanghai. Following government announcements. En back office, elles doivent apprendre à intégrer la culture digitale dans leurs pratiques managériales et organisationnelles, sous peine de se faire « ubériser » par des concurrents plus rapides et moins chers. Logement. », ESSCA School of Management - Campus Angers, ESSCA School of Management - Campus Boulogne, ESSCA School of Management - Campus Lyon, En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez nos. L’ESSCA dispose de ses propres sites à Shanghai et Budapest. Courses dealing with the EU were quite informative. Découvrez sans plus attendre la page de l’événement afin de ne rater aucune information. Programmes et spécificités-Le Programme Grande Ecole, bac+5 visé, grade de Master est dispensé sur les campus de Paris, Angers, Aix-en-Provence Bordeaux … Publier vos offres, Cours de langues Interest. Some courses were good in concept, but thin on content, some of them completely finished in only 2 or 3 days, sometimes not living up to their original potential. ESSCA manages apartments and liaises with all the landlords on the students' behalf. Évaluation globale. 4.19 / 5 sur 280 avis. Le Mastère Spécialisé Management Digital option Business développement forme des managers intrapreneurs capables de conduire et de développer des projets à fort contenu technologique et de s’assurer de la performance économique de l’activité digitale de l’entreprise. ESSCA Research Lab: ESSCA’s research laboratory composed by several research streams whose publications and findings are spread amongst different schools, students, researchers or company heads. From my perspective, an Australian 4th year student who is used to a high level of intensity and independent research, the ESSCA courses seemed quite easy and very informal. Découvre le classement de Essca dans notre palmarès 2021 des meilleurs Écoles de Commerce. Les cours sont intéressants et divers lors des 2 premières années, les enseignants sont à l'écoute et incitent les étudiants à participer au dynamisme des cours. I wish I had known that we should be patient for anything that we want to do ( buy a train ticket, go to the post office ...) japanese people in general are really slow in everything that they do. Conditions d'utilisation Institute for Advanced Pedagogy vocation is to develop teaching innovation within the school and facilitate professors’ integration of its findings and techniques into their own classes. 100 places en 3e année, ouvert aux étudiants en gestion, économie, banque et assurance, langues étrangères appliquées titulaires d’un diplôme Bac+2 ou ayant obtenu 120 crédits ECTS. Pour aller plus loin, consultez la liste des : Bachelor Programme Grande Ecole de Commerce (B3, M1 et M2), MSc EU - Asia Digital Marketing and Business, MSc in Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking, MSc in Marketing Management and Business Development, Master Programme Grande Ecole de Commerce (en 2 ans), Amaury - 5e ANNÉE PROGRAMME GRANDE ECOLE À PARIS, Luka - 4e ANNÉE PROGRAMME GRANDE ECOLE À AIX-EN-PROVENCE, Julie - 2E ANNÉE PROGRAMME GRANDE ECOLE À LYON, Alexandre - 2E ANNÉE PROGRAMME GRANDE ECOLE À BORDEAUX, Hermance - 3E ANNÉE PROGRAMME GRANDE ECOLE À ANGERS, MOOC Creative Box : réveillez l’innovateur qui est en vous, politique générale de protection des données, Relying on a sense of detail and service for customer experience, Creating value through omnichannel distribution strategy, Using customizing tools to manage the multicultural customer, Vous êtes élève de terminale ou déjà bachelier et souhaitez intégrer l’ESSCA en 1, Vous êtes élève de terminale ou bachelier résidant hors de France métropolitaine (international et DOM TOM), Vous êtes étudiant en gestion, en économie, en banque et assurance, en LEA et titulaire d’un diplôme Bac+2 ou ayant obtenu 120 crédits ECTS. This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with the topic. Managing, developing, transforming inspiring locations: Adopting an entrepreneurial mindset based on three pillars – a state of the art curriculum taught by a first-class faculty, partnerships with leading companies, an international perspective – it represents a career booster.Its fast-track format and its hands-on approach based on real-case studies and a core-consulting project deliver a rapid return on investment for those who wish to advance their career in the marketing field or to make a career change.The MSc program is offered on the ESSCA Campus in Bordeaux. All that after going through hell with the embassy in my own country. Companies are seeking out, as of now, managers who can actively participate in the changing of the industry. However, companies are struggling today to recruit specialists and face a real shortage of experts in the field, particularly the «data-scientist» profile who demonstrates qualities in statistics, mathematics and computer sciences, in the operation of Big Data applied to marketing. (1) Aucune importance – (4) Très important. Retrouve ses points forts, ses accréditations ESSCA was accredited by AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) in May 2014.Besides the 1st year competitive entrance examination, ESSCA offers candidates the possibility of joining the master’s program directly for those students already having an undergraduate degree.The 5-year accredited master’s diploma is also attainable via adult continuing education. Semestre: Code: Site: Libellé: Langue: Durée: ECTS: Éch. En cinquième année, 27 majeures sont proposées dont 9 en alternance. Following government announcements on October 29, 2020, all standard cuuriculum courses as well as all exams scheduled between 30 October, 2020 and 31 December, 2020 will switch to remote mode as of this Friday, 30th October for all students present on one of ESSCA's campuses in France (Aix-en-Provence, Angers, Bordeaux, Cholet, Lyon, Paris). Ce bachelor détient le titre RNCP II et visé par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pour l’ensemble des campus sur lesquels il est dispensé. Le Programme Grande Ecole offre la possibilité d’un second départ en 4e année. This MSc in International Finance – Fully taught in English – offers you a wide-ranging theoretical background and equips you with technical skills to pursue a career in finance and related disciplines, including equity analysis, portfolio management, consulting, trader sales, M&A and IPOs, securitization, and credit analysis in private or investment banking. L'ESSCA se distingue des autres écoles car c'est un établissement post-bac: pas besoin de faire de prépa pour intégrer l'établissement. Then Japan is a really good experience because the japanese culture is very different from western countries, so it is very interesting to learn how does it work. Ouvert aux élèves de terminale et aux bacheliers. A member of the prestigious Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, its five-year diploma has been accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education as a master’s degree. Halftaught in English and in French, it aims to equip you withan entrepreneurial culture supported by a strong design orientation. ESSCA’s Master of Science in Marketing Management and Business Development prepares students to hold marketing and business positions in a variety of sectors and countries. Generally things were okay for me (I didn't have to worry about GPA). The experience of simply living in France (during an election year) was the biggest education on Europe anyone could ask for. Échec de connexion au serveur. Apprenez l'anglais As Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba pointed out so well, “In other countries, e-commerce is just to go shopping, whereas in China it’s a lifestyle”. Créée en 1909, l'ESSCA School of Management est une Grande École postbac. Considered buying a vehicle but not worth it for only 6 months. You could alternatively take an apartment just across the river from the centre of town, in the quarter known as La Doutre. Apprenez le français Vie associative dynamique, Travaux de groupes, Cours intéressants et vivants. Emplois Le campus de Bordeaux propose les spécialisations suivantes : • Marketing et commercialisation (en alternace en 3e année), • International Business Developer (en anglais). I have already been twice to China and I will go in Thailande and Korea in the next few months. If possible get ESSCA to arrange an apartment as close to Place du Railliement as possible (the 'heart' of Angers). Dans certains cours comme management ou psychologie des organisations, les discussions emmènent souvent à des débats très intéressants. Forum-Stages du Programme Grande École de l’ESSCA. Accommodation close to ESSCA Bordeaux school: hundreds of rental offers, flatshares and student halls near the campus. C’est l’une des rares écoles de management européennes, voire la seule, ayant réalisé un tel développement qualitatif et quantitatif dans des délais aussi courts. Finally japan is beautiful, there are a lot to do if you want to travel... Ce site utilise des cookies pour fournir ses services, personnaliser le contenu et les annonces et mesurer notre audience.